Monday 1 July 2013

Kaichou wa Maid Sama!

Maids! Maids! Maids! This is the theme for today apparently.

This is show about a hardworking, rather boyish, very much feminist fine young girl who also happens to be the president of the school council… Oh yeah and she works in a maid café… Hmm... This rather juxtaposition oriented main character gives us the basis for what turned out to be quite a fun anime. The anime manages to tell the story of this girl from the perspective of her school life, and then transitions to her afterschool job and regales us with the adventures and mishaps that occur due to this rather odd career choice. As you can imagine with these sorts of anime there is also a guy involved… Oh yes people it’s a Romantic Comedy that awaits you.

There aren’t really any major problems with Maid Sama (given the expectations involved here), however the premise is rather touch and go. As I said the plot is based on the life of this girl (Ayuzawa), her school life, her work life and the circumstances revolving around her and the male lead in this anime, Usi. And regardless to the fact that this has been played off beautifully, the idea isn’t exactly original. Anyway, at first this anime starts to sound like a generic boring Romantic Comedy but the way in which this one in particular is executed it rather tantalizing  There are some rather interesting, and sometimes hilarious, plot twists and there is a constantly running, very amusing, sub-plot at work as provided by three guys from Ayuzawa and Usi’s school (all entirely centered on their infatuation with Ayuzawa). The comedy elements of this anime are largely based around the reactions of the three afore mentioned guys in regards to Ayuzawa, and mainly Ayuzawa’s reactions to Usi as his continued attempts to woo her go on, despite being turned down at every turn. There is quite a varied range of characters involved here and they all work to provide another amusing aspect to this anime. The characters include people who work at the maid café and people Ayuzawa and Usi know from school. When all these random characters intertwine it usually provides an interesting turn of events, as proven when the plot goes a bit crazy and some rather strange people show up resulting in some of the funniest, and tense, moments in the entire show. The character development is also surprisingly good considering the type of anime at play here, I half expected that the only character development to occur would be to the main leads, but I was wrong (luckily). Throughout the anime the backgrounds and back stories to the various characters involved is explored in a heart-warming way. However, unfortunately, a large amount of characters are left out from this process (I guess beggars can’t be choosers). The worst part of this series so far is also one of the best features, its Ayuzawa herself. She is a funny, amusing, independent character but she can become incredibly aggravating, and at times I found myself shouting at the screen “What are you doing!” But, as I said, she is also the backbone of the series and a valued asset.

Now, as for the plot development… It’s rather good actually. But only in regards to most of it, you see in general the anime starts off well and becomes something much better resulting in an ending that leaves you quite satisfied. However there are some parts (usually two or three episodes long) where you’re left hanging because the plot had ground to a complete halt. This is the terror of filler episodes, oh yes. But luckily in regards to filler episodes there aren’t that many relatively speaking, and of those that are present they’re actually quite amusing, so it’s all good. It has that classic climatic curve going on, and it’s played so well that to some affect you won’t see the ending coming (I won’t say anymore don’t you worry).

But overall Kaichou wa Maid Sama is a very interesting anime that manages to play off the Romantic comedy genre perfectly. It’s entertaining, incredibly funny and the supporting cast of characters do provide a nice backstory and filler for the more mundane parts. And the ending is rather amazing, simply because it’s rather shocking; it creeps up on you if you will.

This is what I would call a “summer anime”, something to watch throughout the summer when there isn’t much work to be done.

Premise: 5/10
The idea is a staple one straight out of the “how to write a anime” handbook. Usually this would mark it down much more than this, but it’s been played off so well the general premise is bearable.

Plot Development: 7.5/10
The plot development is the savior of the terrible premise at work here, although the general idea starts off bad it manages to morph in to something enjoyable, and incredibly funny.

Animation: 8.5/10
The animation is very good, and suits the anime perfectly. It’s got the “GTO affect” going on where the animation may not be absolutely amazing in terms of sheer quality, but it works with the anime so well if it was any different the anime just wouldn’t be the same.

Characters: 6.5/10
The character line up is very amusing, but it would be nice if they had more substance to them, and if they were featured more heavily throughout the anime (Aside from the two leads, of course).

Character Development: 5/10
The character development involved here is surprisingly average, by no means is it bad, but it isn’t amazing either. Although work has been put in to develop the less important characters (which is nice) you don’t get as much of a background knowledge or feel for the two leads (especially as far as Usi is concerned).

Fluidity: 7/10
This show flows very well, there are no dodgy transitions or weird jumps in the plot, this means at no point are you left feeling that what you’re watching shouldn’t be happening etc.

Music: 6.5/10
The music for this anime is relatively good, and it fits quite well, but I can’t help get the feeling that the anime could have done with some better music, more fitting to the genre, having said that it’s very mood setting in the important parts.

Intro: 8/10
The intros for the anime are very good, as I’ve said before the intros are important for getting you in the right mood, and this does the job just right.

Outro: 8/10
The outros for this anime fist just as perfectly as the intro, and leaves you feeling satisfied and happy at the end of each episode.

Personal Enjoyment: 9/10
Although this anime is based on such a staple premise I absolutely loved it, it’s funny and kept me going through a very boring week off.

Total: 7.1/10 (Good)

Stuart Macdonald

Sunday 30 June 2013

Note: Shingeki no Kyojin

Hey Guys,

A quick point form me here, if you're not watching Shingeki no Kyojin now get to it. It is (so far) right up there with some of the best anime I have ever seen.

Stuart Macdonald

Review Schedule

Hey Everyone,

Just a quick post to let you know what i'm going to be reviewing over the next couple of days.
So here it is:

Kaichou Maid Sama
Vampire Knight
Maoyu Maou Yusha

And guys just to let you know I intend to review a large range of genres of anime so don't worry. Eventually I'll get on to Deadman wonderland and in about 20 reviews or so from now i'll get on to my top three anime of all time (so far).
So look out for those guys!

Stuart Macdonald.

Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi

This anime is exactly what it says on the tin, although based on a gal game it’s surprisingly well behaved.

This show is one of those simple harem style anime, where you have that standard plot based around standard characters. Nothing exciting particularly happens but you do get that massive feel good sensation when the inevitable conclusion to the plot occurs. In regards to what’s bad about this anime it’s hard to say, because nothing really stands out, the whole anime is rather average so there aren't really any high expiations to start off with. It’s the kind of thing you would watch whilst waiting for the next episode of (in my immediate case) Shingeki no Kyojin to come out. It’s a bit of fun, but it’s nothing special.

I suppose the main problem with this anime is the characters and plot, because everything else is actually quite good. The plot is that basic “A handsome guy moves out the country side and suddenly Girls! Girls everywhere!” I mean seeing as the anime is based on a gal game you can’t really expect more, but I digress. Although the plot is basic and relatively boring you do find yourself getting attached to the characters somewhat. This is probably because the anime does a fantastic job of centering the large chunks of the episodes on the feelings of the girls involved. The same girls that happen to be going after the previously mentioned lucky b*****d that somehow managed to move in to “hot single girl central” oh Japan we love you. Aside from this, however, the characterization is lacking a tad also. The girls presented are the usual line up of fetish, the quiet one, the strong one etc… The anime had been made well enough for it to want more but it has been bent rigidly around the harem, gal game, genre resulting in some of the characters coming across as forced. I’m aware, by the way, that that’s kind of what it’s supposed to be but the anime, at points seems to want to be more than just a tacky standard harem anime, and it could have been.

Now regardless of the fact that there is no way this anime could even be compared with the giants like Gurren Lagann, or Cowboy Bebop, in terms of my personal enjoyment, and to some affect production quality, it’s done pretty good for itself. To this extent I mean the animation is actually pretty good, it’s not Guilty Crown blow your face off good, but it’s not bad. The music of the entire thing fits quite well too, so it makes you feel the right things at the right time. Overall I rather enjoyed this short little piece, it may be a standard one of a thousand anime that are all basically the same, but it’s a bit of fun you know?

On a final note because of the spectacular averageness this anime has managed to achieve it’s difficult to say much more about it, so I apologise for the short review. This anime is by no stretch of the imagination a really good anime, but neither is it really bad.

Premise: 5/10
The idea this anime is based around is incredibly mundane and has been done a thousand times before, but it manages to pull it off in its own way.

Plot Development: 6/10
The plot development is okay, but not brilliant. It’s slow going and you only start to feel that the anime is progressing in the final few episodes. But those final few are very entertaining indeed.

Animation: 7/10
The animation for this anime is surprisingly good considering its roots, however because of a lacking of any times where the animation could be put to the test there is no real proof of it’s worth.

Characters: 7/10
The characters in this anime is one of its strong points because it manages to fit in the usual line up of boring harem figures and then puts a slightly different spin them and even explores their personality allowing you to become somewhat attached to them at times.

Character Development: 6/10
The character development in this anime is surprisingly good, because the anime manages to start off with the staple line up of characters in the beginning and end up with a group of characters you’re emotionally attached to; having said that it’s incredibly slow going and only seems to work on one character at a time.

Fluidity: 7/10
This show flows quite well; there are no dodgy jumps in the story line, and you’re never really left feeling like you’ve missed something.  

Music: 8/10
The music is very good but not very diverse. The correct thing always seems to be playing at the right time, setting the scene perfectly. But at times you feel like it’s the same few tracks being played over and over again.

Intro: 8/10
The intro for this anime is fantastically done and it possibly one of the best features of this anime. Everything from the music to the animation seems to fit very well and puts you in the perfect mood for watching the episode.

Outro: 6/10
The outro is quite disappointing compared to the intro because nothing really happens; it’s just a series of credits and pictures, having said that the music is upbeat and very nice to listen to.

Personal Enjoyment: 7.5/10
I enjoyed watching this anime rather a lot, and the ending is quite nice. I only wish it was a bit longer and had a more in-depth story-line seeing as it has a lot of potential.

Total: 6.8/10 (Fine)

Stuart Macdonald

Saturday 29 June 2013

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

I sat down to watch a nice, calming, slice of life anime, and my God was I wrong.

This is show that manages to present a well written thriller-esque story line whilst maintaining the façade of a slice of life anime, meaning it’s thrilling in parts and relaxing in others. The anime goes from the main characters doing a class project as a team, to fighting giant blue monsters in another dimension, and the transition between these parts are almost seamless. However it is let down by potholes in the story line, unholy amounts of filler episodes, and large gaps between the most entertaining parts, resulting in much left to be desired.

The largest problem with this series is the lack of consistency and characterisation which means it takes a while for the anime to get going. Although the transitions between a calm school life anime and a crazy thriller involving “quantum this through the nth dimension of that” are entertaining and keep us on our toes the timing of these jumps is a tad sketchy to say the least. The thriller-esque parts are far too short and occur far too little, meaning you’re left watching five episodes of school kids running around whilst waiting for the giant blue monster to show up to smack them about a bit. Don’t get me wrong slice of life is great, and the long parts that don’t involve much action can be very entertaining, especially with Kyon’s (the male lead) sarcastic undertones taking the mick out of the process but too often are you stuck with long drawn out filler episodes that don’t seem to have anything to do with plot development and at the very least only allow for little character development, of which there is almost none regardless. Character development rarely happens, and if it does it’s only really to Kyon, a little bit to Haruhi (the namesake, and female lead). But the worst part of the entire series by far is what fans have dubbed the “Endless Eight”. This is, as the name suggests, eight episodes in series two that are all the same. To no extent am I exaggerating, all eight are the same bar some minor differences such as clothing and a slight change in the story at the end of each episode. Seriously check it out it’s crazy.

Now something really needs to be discussed in greater detail, the plot development, there is none, and there isn’t that classic curve where the story starts of mundane and gets more exciting before reaching a climax and cooling down resolving loose ends. The series doesn’t even have that sheer kick ass factor that allows us to dismiss a non-existent plot and character development that Cowboy Bebop or Fooly Cooly had. The curve, if you will, for this series is constantly moving up and down meaning there is no true climax (apart from this weird thing half way through series one) and you’re left feeling unsatisfied by the end. The end as far as the end is concerned could have been any one of the filler episodes featured throughout the entire series and you wouldn’t notice. The “mini” climaxes that occur throughout the series, however, are brilliantly done. At parts (well one very specific part in particular) I was literally on the edge of my seat. And because the series is so cleverly disguised as a slice of life anime when the large plot twists occur it’s so shocking you’ll be gasping for air.

But overall The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is an exciting wolf in sheep’s clothing that needs a little more work on its plot. It’s entertaining, quite funny in parts especially where Kyon and girls are considered, and the supporting cast of characters do provide a refreshing line up for the various adventures they get up to. The ending is very non-climatic but hey the ride there was quite entertaining.

If you do watch this show now for the love of god don’t watch it in the released order, go for the chronological order otherwise you won’t enjoy this anime as much as you should.

Premise: 8/10
The idea this anime is based around is spectacular and, ignorant of the individual components of this anime, the mix up of different genres is a refreshing and exciting idea.  

Plot Development: 5/10
The plot development in this anime is terrible as a whole, as a result of the afore mentioned lacking of a climax  and a kick ass factor to allow you to ignore the lacking of a climax, but there are some moments when you just can’t stop watching and there are some amazing twists.

Animation: 7/10
The animation is this anime is good, but it’s nothing special. The only time the animation shines is during the heavy action scenes and during the intro and outro. Overall the whole thing is good, but there are some choppy moments, and it definitely isn’t a masterpiece in regards to animation.

Characters: 6/10
The line-up of characters provides a funny backbone for the series, but aside from the main leads in total the line-up can be frustrating and boring at times.

Character Development: 4/10
This is the only aspect of this anime that is actually bad, character development in this type of show is one of the driving forces to it, and it’s the area you rely on when the show is in-between thriller like parts. It’s what provides the backbone of the slice of life element. But unfortunately there is none whatsoever. At one point you think the two leads have started to develop but it backtracks the very next episode leaving you feeling unfulfilled.

Fluidity: 5/10
This show is strange to the affect that during the thriller-esque scenes it runs smoothly and alternates between thriller and slice of life seamlessly. But apart from those few times the show is jumpy. It builds up to events that don’t transpire and leaves you hanging.

Music: 7/10
This is one of the redeeming features of this anime. The music is well written and complements the scenes perfectly allowing for a light upbeat feel. And the intro and outro set the feeling for the anime perfectly. Although there is no problem with the music it could be better and more fitting, but overall I can’t complain.   

Intro: 8/10
The two intros for this anime are very good, and the balance of the music and animation help to set the scene for the anime perfectly. It’s upbeat and puts you in a good mood.

Outro: 9/10
The outro is hilarious and during the sadder episodes allows you to finish the anime feeling good. The second outro isn’t as good as the first one, ignorant of the annoying song (well it’s annoying after about the first 50 times…).

Personal Enjoyment: 8/10
Although there are a lot of let downs throughout this anime overall it’s fun and exciting.

Total: 6.7/10 (Fine)

Stuart Macdonald 

The Rating System

Hey Guys,

So as I said in the introduction there will be a ranking system used in the reviews. The ranking system is going to range from 1-10 but has a small gradient. So anime will have ranks like 7.6. This is to ensure accuracy and to allow you to easily see which anime's are better than others. It strikes me as a better idea than having 50 anime just ranked 7. But these ranks mean something, as I will explain:

10: Masterpiece (I doubt you will ever see an anime that ranks this overall from me)
9: Brilliant
8: Very Good
7: Good
6: Fine
5: Average
4: Bad
3: Very Bad
2: Horrible
1: Horrific (I doubt you'll see me rank anything horrific overall either, because a bad anime will still have some redeeming features)

This will apply for the ten points i'm rating anime on. A 7.8 on animation will mean the animation is good. A 7.8 in total will mean the entire anime is good as a whole. But be wary even if a anime ranks high it could have a vary bad aspect that would ruin the entire anime for you. For example a anime may have a animation score of 1 but a story line of 10 so watch out for that. Each rank of these ten aspects for any given anime will also be explained as you will see.

Stuart Macdonald.



My name's Stuart, and as you can imagine i'm a massive anime freak. I'm starting this reviewing blog as a part of a larger project. My reviews will be based around ten aspects of any given anime in an attempt to rule out the possibility of creating a bias review.

These points are as follows:

Plot Development.
Character Development.
Personal Enjoyment.

I aim to create a comprehensive database of reliable reviews to guide any fellow Ouakus out there. Eventually I will also release my overall ranking system that will be added to periodically. Along with the reviews first impressions and individual episode reviews will also be released.

So let's have fun. :)